


We took a quick trip down to Omaha today to meet my new cousin Isabella - "Bella".

I fell asleep on the way down & woke up with "bed head." I had to show you though - I DO HAVE HAIR!!

Me, Carter & Chloe - we were waiting for the rain to stop so we could go outside & play

Hold on little lady!!!

Yee Haw!!!

The Chamberlin's - Bella is quite the sweetheart

Our trip got cut short. Grandpa Ken's pickup broke down on the way down to Omaha so we picked him up on our way home. We missed out on pizza. By the way if you are in Denison & you see a sign that says Hardee's don't get your hopes up - it is actually a Mexican grocery store. We ended up eating at Burger King - the only good thing about that was the hat :)

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